Hoop counter chair 720/620/570 | SUGIYAMA | Japanese Minimalist Solid Iron Furniture

Hoop counter chair 720/620/570


The Hoop counter chair is made of solid iron, carefully bent to create curves that give it a soft appearance. The most distinctive feature of the chair is its seat, which is made of solid steel and has no straight lines. The unique shape of the Hoop chair comes from our desire to “make people, shops and living spaces more enjoyable and vibrant just by being there”.

Product cord:FCF1970
Product name:Hoop counter chair720
Material:Iron (sand black finish)
Size:W480 D465 H905 SH720
Weight:approx. 7.1kg
Price:JPY48,000~68,000(+tax) Retail price in Japan

Product cord:FCF1971
Product name:Hoop counter chair620
Material:Iron (sand black finish)
Size:W480 D465 H805 SH620
Weight:approx. 6.7kg
Price:JPY47,000~67,000(+tax) Retail price in Japan

Product cord:FCF1971
Product name:Hoop counter chair620
Material:Iron (sand black finish)
Size:W480 D465 H755 SH570
Weight:approx. 6.5kg
Price:JPY46,000~66,000(+tax) Retail price in Japan

Design:Tomokazu Murakam